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An editor and avid reader gives her frank thoughts about everything she reads. More reviews and book blather on fefferbooks.com!

Currently reading

If I Should Die
Amy Plum
Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)
Marissa Meyer


Partials - There really needs to be a 2.5 star rating. I *kinda* liked it? I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy reading Partials--it wasn't a chore, but it wasn't a book I found myself in a hurry to get back to whenever I had free time. I can't quite figure out why. The plot was interesting, and the characters likeable. I guess I wanted more character development and relationships. The pieces of the book that were the most interesting to me were the few times when they were able to relax and interact, and we got some hints about who these people actually were. Other than that, it was all plotplotplotactionaction, without having any reason to care about what happened to anyone. Now I remember why I don't read much sci-fi. :)